About Breaking Dawn

   Breaking Dawn starts off with Jacob getting a invitation inviting him to Bella and Edward's wedding. Jacob gets mad and phased running away.

  When Bella went to her wedding at the Cullen's house, Alice brought Bella in a room to help get her ready. Then  Roselle came in and offered to help do Bella's hair. When Roselle finished Bella's hair, Bella's mom walked in the room along with her dad and gave her a pretty hairpiece that was once her grandma's but they added blue rhinestones.

     The wedding started and the whole thing went great! After the ceremony a vampire family that is related to the Cullen's came over to Bella and Edward.  One vampire who is against the wolf pack spotted a were wolf and refused to go congratulate Bella and Edward on their wedding because the wolf pack killed her true love Laurent. After the family drama Edward told Bella that another one of her wedding presents just showed up, so he lead her out into the woods and that's when she saw Jacob waiting for her. Bella and Jacob were talking and dancing, and then they talked about her and Edward's Honey Moon and how she isn't going to be changed until the Honeymoon was over. Jacob freaked out when he heard that, because he said that if she does that then she will die. Jacob grabbed Bella's arms way too tight, then Edward broke up Jacob and Bella then the rest of the wolf pack came and took Jacob away. Then Bella and Edward walked away  and then they came out of the house and hopped into a car and drove away towards their Honeymoon.
 Later that night they arrived at their Honeymoon destination. The fist night they swim together, and then the next week they played chess, and they went to a waterfall and played more chess.

 When Edward went hunting, Bella was eating a chicken leg, when she ran to the bathroom to throw-up. 10 minutes later, Edward came back and seen she was sick. She told Edward something just moved inside her. Edward called Carlisle and Bella was talking to her. 
Edward and Bella drove back to Forks and back to the Cullen home. At the Cullen home, Rosalie was the one to help Bella the most with everything she wanted. Jacob came to see how Bella was doing. When Bella stood up, Jacob was shocked to see Bella pregnant. Jacob could easily see that the baby was killing her. 

 The Cullen family and Jacob was all sitting around Bella Thinking of ideas to save her. Edward read Jacob's mind, and everyone thought that they should try it out. Jacob's suggestion was that Bella should try to drink her own blood. Carlisle got her a cup of blood, so she drank it, and she said that it was… good. 

 One day Jacob was over and Rosalie was giving her, her cup of blood, the cup dropped and Bella bent over to try to save it, but instead, she bent the wrong way. Edward and Jacob brought Bella up into Carlisle's study, while Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, and Jasper went hunting.  In the study, Edward had to deliver the baby while Carlisle was out. Jacob told Edward, if he killed Bella, then he would kill Edward. But when Edward got the baby out, Bella died. Edward was trying to save her, but he was to late. Jacob said that he wasn't going to kill him because he deserves to live with this forever.

 When Jacob left, Edward bit Bella everywhere trying to save her. 

 The next morning, they put Bella in a pretty blue dress, and cleaned the blood off. During the next two days, the bites on Bella that Edward had giving her was starting to heel. After two days, Bella was all heeled up, and she opened her eyes. When she opened her eyes, her eye color went from brown, to red.


  1. This was such a fantastic movie. I could watch this movie so many times!

  2. Don't you say anything else?

  3. Just kidding, I love all the twilight movies too!!!
