About Eclipes

     Bella and Edward were in the meadow. They were studying English. Edward asked Bella to marry him again, and Bella turned him down again.

     At school Alice had a vision. Edward saw it, and said that Bella and him 'should go visit her mother'. Bella and Edward visited her. When they were gone Victoria attacked Forks. The wolf pack and the Cullen's scared her off, so there was no harm done. Bella and Edward returned to Forks and Bella was oblivious to what went on over the weekend. 

    The next week of school Jacob was waiting for Bella. He told Bella about Victoria and Bella got mad at Edward. She ended up leaving on Jake's motor cycle. When Bella and Jake were riding Bella invited him to her graduation party. At the end of the evening Jacob kissed Bella, and in return Bella punched him in the face.

     During the party Alice had a vision about Victoria and a vampire army coming to Forks. The Cullen's, Bella, and some of the wolf pack go to the back to talk about Alice's vision. The Cullen's said that they were going to fight, and the wolf pack said that too. So the Cullen's and wolf pack joined forces to save Bella.

     Over the next few days the Cullen's and the wolf pack practiced for the fight. The nigth before Alice's vision had shown the fight, Bella went around the trees to mark her blood. Edward, Bella, and Jacob spent the night up on a mountain in a tent in the middle of a blizzard.

     The day of the fight came and snow was all over the ground. Jacob, Edward, and Bella were still on the mountain. When Jacob left, Edward and Bella talked about their wedding. Edward could 'hear' Jacob still listening to them talk. Bella turned and saw Jacob standing there heartbroken. Jacob was really angry and wanted to go fight. Bella didn't want him to get hurt, so she kissed him.

     During the fight, a vampire had his hands around Leah and was crushing her, so Jacob went to save her. The vampire ended up crushing the whole left side of Jacob's body. The Volturi came to warn the Cullen's about Bella and how she needed to turn into a vampire. As they were there one of the guards killed Bree, the new hopeful member of the Cullen family.

     In the end Bella chose Edward over Jake. Bella took the ring from Edward. They left to go tell Charlie that they were engaged.

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