About New Moon

 The movie started with Bella in the meadow with Edward. Bella was looking across the meadow, and thought she saw her grandmother. But when she walked closer, she saw that it was a mirror, and it was reflecting her as an old lady. When she woke up, her dad was at her bedside with a present for her eighteenth birthday.

   When at school, Edward's sister, Alice, throw her a birthday party at the Cullen's house. At the party,  Bella tried to open a gift from the Cullen's parent's, Carlisle and Esme, and she gets a paper cut. Jasper just started to just live on animal blood. When Bella got the paper cut, Jasper started to freak out and was ready to attack Bella. Edward pushed Bella back on a table that had glass on it. After Edward pushed Bella back, Edward ran forward to get Jasper away from Bella. After everyone was under control, Carlisle took Bella in the back room to stitch her up.

  After Bella was all stitched up, and the chaos was over, Edward drove Bella home. The next morning Bella woke up and went to school. When she got there she noticed that Edward wasn't there. After the school day ended she went home and saw that Edward was there waiting for her. Edward took Bella to the woods to talk to her. He told her that he had to leave Forks. His reason was because Carlisle was supposed to be ten years older then he looks. Edward then leaves Bella alone in the woods.

   Bella was in her room for months alone. Her farther finally convinced Bella to go and hang out with Jacob. Later on Bella found out that Jacob and his friends were all werewolves . But these werewolves aren't normal werewolves, these werewolves hunt vampires. Once Bella found out her best friend was a werewolf, he was to busy chasing nomad vampire, Victoria, and Bella was alone again.

   She missed Edward so much that she would imagine him saying to her not to do anything stupid while he was gone. But she thought that if she did he would come back. So she jumped off a cliff into water. She almost drowned, but she was saved by Jacob.

   Alice can see the future, and saw Bella jump, but she didn't see Bella get saved. Edward found out and left for Italy to get killed by the Volturi.  Bella left to go to Italy and saved him from the Volturi. Aro, the leader of the Volturi, was about to kill the Cullen's and Bella because the Cullen's broke the number one rule, not to tell a mortal about vampires. Aro doesn't kill them because Alice said that she had a vision that Bells was a vampire. Alice, Edward, and Bella leave Italy and return to Forks.

   Back in Forks, Jacob's motorcycle was parked at Bella's house. When Edward and Bella got to Forks Edward heard Jacob's thoughts in the forest, so Edward walked to the forest. Bella went to follow him not knowing where he's going. At the forest, Jacob and Edward get into a fight. Bella tried to stop them, but Jacob phased and runs away. After Jacob was gone, Edward proposed to Bella.

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